Market Place DETAILS

Success Spotlight in the One Heart Market Place

After your payment, we’ll get you in the calendar schedule for your intro, article, blog post and additional listing.

What will be needed:

1) Content Rich Article – You will write an article between 400 – 800 words and submit to

If you have published this article previously anywhere on the internet, it will need to be 20% different than your previously published article. This ensures higher attraction and ranking from Google and other search engines.

Your article must be copy ready, fully edited and include title (which will be used as a Subject Line). 

2) Title- Subject Line
I recommend running your Title – Subject Line / Headline through a Headline Analyzer like Co schedule:

3) Article Tags

You will provide topic tags and category tags to optimize your reach on the internet – if you wish.
Examples:  Hypnosis, Dog Nutrition, Animal Communication, Tellington TTouch, Sugar Addiction, etc.  

4) Images

You provide 1-2 suitable, web copy, rights owned images, for your content if you want.  
You provide 1 image of you, the author to accompany your bio. Personal Picture Highly recommended.

5) Bio
You provide your bio – up to 100 words

6) Your Offer – Offer should be health and wellness products or services, oriented to people and / or animals. Approval needed by Sandy Rakowitz for your offer to check on suitability for this audience.

7) Article and Offer Approval Submission – Resubmission

Sandy will approve your Article copy, and your offer and return it to you for your editing, if needed.

If anything is not approved, and has been sent back for final approval, it must be resubmitted 7 days prior to agreed upon solo email date.

Article, and offer Submissions

Please submit your Article, Headline (Subject line) to at least 3 weeks prior to agreed upon publication date.

To see an EXAMPLE – click here

Dates for publication

After sign up and full payment for the Marketplace Listing, you will receive the schedule of possible solo email dates.  

You will have up to 3 months to choose and schedule your solo email date.  However, choosing your date is advised asap as the calendar will fill up. 

If you have not chosen your solo email date, or submitted your article for review within 3 months of payment and of signing your agreement, you will forfeit your solo Marketplace listing with no refund and this is not transferrable.

What you will get from Sandy Rakowitz for your One Heart Market Place Listing:

  1. Newsletter Preview – Introduction in a newsletter prior to your article solo email blast to get my subscriber base acquainted with you and “tease” your article / offer.  Your Bio.
  2. One Article Email Blast – The article that you write, edit and prepare according to the agreements set forth above.  Article to be sent once as a solo email on agreed date with all approvals to the current One Heart email subscriber database of approximately 2500 people. 
  3. One Blog post – The same Article and title will be published on blog within 2 weeks of email blast. 
  4. One Marketplace listing in One Heart Healing Center newsletter after the article is sent in the solo email blast.  Up to 220 words.  May include an offer. 

Thank you,
I look forward to supporting you through the One Heart Market Place!
Email with questions to