The contest is over, but you can still sign up for
"3 Powerful Ways to Create Your Life Now with Spirit Animal Guides"
May 11 at 7pm EST
Join Me On This FREE Teleseminar & See Who Won The New Spirit Animal Guide Giveaway Contest!

Let Empowerment Awaken Inside You
![]() Ibis from One Heart Healing Center | This event and ALL the Incredible Prizes in the Gift Kits are specially designed to help you find your personal freedom through creativity, with wisdom-filled messages from animals and nature so that you develop a deeper connection with your intuition, and to live a more empowered life.... Registered for Sandy's Upcoming Teleseminar ![]() |
![]() Collage by Sandy Rakowitz | This LIVE teleseminar will enable you to access magical messages just for you in the areas of Life, Money and Health. You will start to tap into a deeper knowing, find a place of affirming intuition, embrace your own psychic abilities and reach an increased level of focus and empowered intention. When you register you'll receive all the event details. |

It's time to break free and become the MOST EMPOWERED version of YOU.
Your registration includes a subscription to my acclaimed “Animal Wisdom”newsletter. Your information will never be shared or sold.
Winners of the 3 "Spirit Animal Guide" Kits will be announced live on the teleseminar May 11th at 7pm EST.

A Note From Sandy: I'm being called to spread "The Juice" of Creativity' in many ways, including the transformational evolution of my work and calling. I also want to celebrate my brand new teleseminar with Spirit Animal Guides.
And, this Celebration of Spirit and Creativity is my call for you to share the joy, love and creativity with as many people as you know!
This is perfect for you if:
- You want to dive into the mystical realms of Spirit Animal Guides...
- You're ready to grow through the power of creativity and self-expression...
- You're ready to let go of any constraints around your heart...
- You know it's time (or way past time) to deepen into your own power, intuition, strength and direction in life...

Journaling is an ancient healing tradition.
Combining it with creativity, animals and Spirit Animal Guides engages your right-brain and ignites your intuition, clarity and empowerment.
What are people saying about Sandy's work?
"I feel so light, so free, so happy, so whole... The miraculous events were so numerous..."
"I feel so light, so free, so happy, so whole. I love learning this work with Sandy. A few days ago I did not really know what a chakra was.
Today, I feel so whole, so radiant and resonant, so peaceful. I do have chakras, and they are mine. Old, old friends I am meeting again for the first time. Sandy is so wise, gentle, so gentle!
Her guidance feels so loving, so profound and so safe that I have soared through dark swamps of doubt and discovered a wild faith in my own senses and self. Thank you for this gift. It is precious.
And, with my horses, the trust we have built in each other, with Sandy's coaching, is so thrilling and precious to me, I just cannot say enough. Thank you."

"This work has deepened my ability to commune with my own deepest, true self."
"Sandy is an amazing teacher who steps away from her ego and teaches me not how to do things her way, but how to find MY way.
Journaling has been an emotional release for me, as well as a recording of my spiritual journey, I had never done the creative journaling that Sandy teaches before.
I had never done the creative journaling process that Sandy teaches before, though once upon a time, it was my artistic self that I thought to be the truest part of me.
This summer I set up a craft area for my grandchildren when they were coming to visit. Who'd a thunk the purpose might be for me?"

"Sandy empowers you to be your own best self and also helps you feel confident in healing your animals be their best selves."
"Before working with Sandy, my horse used to worry constantly and often melt down. Since working with Sandy, my horse is so much more tuned in with me now that when we work together whether grooming, therapy, ground work or riding, we are at ease and the learning is faster.
Sandy is a wealth of knowledge and can get through to any animal very quickly. She teaches you how to find solutions for yourself."

I can't wait to announce the winners of these 3 Spirit Animal Guide Kits LIVE on the teleseminar May 11th at 7pm EST.
I look forward to seeing you there to support your journey of empowerment, joy and creativity.
With love,

"Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible."
~ St. Francis of Assisi
About Sandy Rakowitz...
Sandy is the founder of where she has guided and trained animal lovers, animal care professional and those seeking self-empowerment through her content, products and certification programs.
She specializes in Animal Communication, Energy Healing with people and animals, Tellingon TTouch, Essential Oils and channeled holistic healing methods, including her Creative Journaling process and the Awaken Animal Communication Method.
She empowers people to access and develop their natural intuitive instincts and psychic abilities, while awakening their life purpose, along with the animals they love and have loved.