Dimensional Selves:
A Life Celebration & Memorial Service for Ibis the Horse
Join us online for A Life Celebration & Memorial Service for Ibis the Horse
Healing Event – Get the Powerful Recording.
This is for Ibis, and for anyone who has lost a beloved.
Let’s join together as a Collective Heart
Living, Loving and Letting Go of Ibis ‘The Connector’ from his physical existence and all of our beloved animals who have passed over.
This is a free online healing event but you must Register to join us to get the access link.

Ibis wants me to talk about what’s possible with our animals through transitions
in the process of letting go, staying tuned in and tapped in, listening and responding to all those intuitive aspects with our multi-dimensional selves that we all have, but do not always access.
And so this is a way for us all to share in this sacred process of letting go, transitions out of the human and animal body, vehicle for our soul.
This is a place for you to come together, not be alone in grief.
This is both a memorial service and a celebration of his life and teachings;
to listen, feel and share stories with him, about him, we know so many have been so touched with his teachings and story.
I’m so deeply touched what people are writing on Facebook in response.
Please join us on my One Heart page:Â https://www.facebook.com/OneHeartHealing/
and ‘Friend Me’ on my personal page and join the conversation: https://www.facebook.com/sandyrakowitz
This has been really amazing to me to read the hundreds of responses. Ibis wants for me to share the process, and his mission as ’The Connector,’ throughout these years to touch so many people in so many important ways.
And, he says we’re going to carry on together, as we are doing here in this online healing event – memorial – Celebration of Life Service to bring people together on what’s possible with our animals, ourselves, and in connection with Source.
This is ONLINE so you can join us from wherever you live and EVERYONE is invited to join us. Â
This is a healing for all of our hearts.

Join us online for A Life Celebration & Memorial Service for Ibis the Horse
April 24, 1982 – November 11, 2019