Listen to Your Pet’s Language

Turn your love with animals into deeper understanding,
tapping into the infinite potential
of your soul connection with your animals.

Your animals will be most appreciative!

Sandy Rakowitz and Venus the horse having a fun talk.  Photo courtesy of Lori Sortino.

MasterClass Group is currently Home-study

In that time you will:

This course is designed for you so you will:

Your investment is $197 USD a month with a two month commitment

Click here to secure your spot for the course with 2 payments


Save about $100 and make one payment of $297
Click here for a one time payment to secure your spot

Here’s what participants have to say about taking this course–

I Feel a Deeper Bond with my Dog, and with my Animal Clients

Barb’s Dog Winnie gives her Paw of Approval.

“Through this program I feel a deeper bond with my dog Winnie and with my client’s animals. With animal clients there are more non-verbal connections opened. This is one of the beauties of this work.

Before taking this class, my dog would often focus on others when out walking. Now she is listening and paying attention to me.  In training she is more receptive and willing.”

~Barbara Iwanaga, California, Animal Communicator, Dog Trainer, TTouch Practitioner


I Love These Classes with Sandy! 
“I love these classes… it’s really brought me much closer to my dog Hava.
Now we communicate even better than before! In fact there’s a huge difference. Her first reaction was, ‘You’re talking with me the way I understand?’  It was fabulous.”
~ Amy Polinger, Dog Mom & Ballroom Dancer

Here’s what will be covered in the 8 classes:

Module 1: The Eagle’s View

Module 2: It’s All About Listening

Module 3: Sending Information

Module 4: Following a Thread of Information

Module 5: Continuing the Conversations

Module 6: Body Scans for Health and Well-Being

Module 7:  Practice Putting all the Steps Together

Module 8: Integration and Appreciations

Bonus Class with Q & A Plus Creative Soul Collage

Please Note:

Certificates for Participants

Bonuses – you will also receive the following bonuses ($300 Value)

About becoming a Certified Animal Communicator:

Get started right away with Home-Study plus bonuses

Your investment is $197 USD a month with a two month commitment

Click here to secure your spot for the course with 2 payments


Save about $100 and make one payment of $297
Click here for a one time payment to secure your spot

Sandy Rakowitz having fun training with the three wonder dogs Sasha, Shiner and Haley during a day of video and photo shoots.

I felt so much more confident! 

“I was practicing the skills taught in the class about asking questions
while communicating with my dog.  I felt so much more confident
than I ever have before in terms of what questions to ask,
how to ask them; how to stay in the questioning while clarifying
and not jumping to assuming what that meant or trying to solve the issue.
I had never had that level of presence with it before
and that felt really good. 

Sandy, thank you for teaching in such a clear way.
I really appreciate your approach to teaching animal communication.
Practicing with the other dogs and hearing other people report back has been really great.”
~ Jill Landry, Yoga Teacher


You will benefit from Home-Study Classes
Spending invaluable time
being mentored and guided
by Professional Animal Communicator
Sandy Rakowitz, she’s been teaching this course since 2009 where participants deepen their understanding and connection with animals becoming a better team, living their best lives together.

In Classes You’ll receive:

Gain the benefits of a Multi-Media Mastermind Group for–

Showing up in their playful, expressive selves. These two lovely women had never met before attending Sandy’s Animal Communication Adventure Experience. The safety and trust fostered with animals through her programs is also created within the group.

I Can Show Up As Myself
“I appreciate being able to ‘show up’ as myself with a group of like-minded people, where
I don’t have “edit” myself for fear of being thought of as a nut for all the information I receive from the animals.  This has been a true blessing.  It has cost an enormous amount of energy in my life to always cautiously hide the very essence of who I am.
This course continues to be an important puzzle piece in moving forward in my life’s journey.”

~ Lori King, Animal Communicator, Acupuncturist

Each class is about two hours, recorded live.

Amazing to Watch and Learn from Class Recordings
“I love that I can still feel and benefit from watching class on video.  It’s amazing, really.
And, it was amazing to connect with the dog we practiced with
as if I was in real time with everyone, as I followed the video class.

It was really lovely connecting with this dog.
I had the same sense of her as everyone else in class,
but wanted to share one variation on a theme,
which I thought was really sweet. 

The dog’s person responded to sharing this information with her
and said to me, “Thank you so, so much.
I’ve been really working on hearing her more clearly.
You just made me cry and warmed my heart.”

~ Eve – Animal Communication Group Participant


The real Liza of Sandy Rakowitz’ children’s book: Night-Night Liza-Loo and Haley-Boo where kids learn compassionate, kind, respectful communication with dogs in a delightful, beautifully illustrated bed-time story.


The class on Messages from Beyond Uplifted Me
“Wow! I listened to Class on Messages from Beyond and was so moved.

There was so much expressed through your words.
This really uplifted me, and now provides me with a new strength
to continue my mission as an Animal Chaplain,
although I have felt defeated on more than one occasion because of skepticism about what I do.
I have always felt St. Francis by my side as a child, and as an adult.
Your words actually explains why I have felt that way.
I have also felt my Chico by my side as he was the reason I began this work.”
~ Rev. Margie Schneider, Heart-To-Heart All Creatures Ministry

Join now and get an empowering, enlightening extra class May 20 –
plus you will get the bonuses right away so you can get started now!

Your investment is $197 USD a month with a two month commitment

Click here to secure your spot for the course with 2 payments


Save about $100 and make one payment of $297
Click here for a one time payment to secure your spot

You will get plenty of personal attention!

Questions?  Email

Or Text 434-996-3595, leave your name and phone number, and I will call you back.

Don’t delay. 
Sign up now!

I look forward to helping you deepen your relationship with your animals
to become the ultimate team, living your best lives together.

About working with Sandy Rakowitz and benefits you will receive from her unique skills, experience and training:

Sandy’s style of teaching, mentoring and training has been refined through decades of personal and professional experiences communicating with thousands of animals, while teaching and mentoring people to tune in and access their natural gifts and abilities.

Her skills were honed while attending the Barbara Brennan School of Healing, the four year professional training program considered to be the world’s premier institute and ‘Harvard’ of Hands-On Healing and Personal Transformation.

Sandy continued with the school as faculty after graduation in 1995.  This school is dedicated to the evolution of the human spirit. Her training through her ten years with the Brennan School along with decades of private practice and leading groups to learn holistic practices, energy healing and animal communication with horses, dogs, cats and humans offers a depth and scope to her teaching with perspective that is highly regarded and masterful.

Sandy has lead people from around the globe in the intimacy and intricacies of understanding the energy sensory system and communicating with animals and nature across time and dimensions.

She has cultivated the One Heart Awaken Method of Animal Communication for three decades.  She integrates the teachings from her beloved horse Ibis, who passed away in 2019 at the age of 37 after decades co-creating together.  They continue this powerful collaborative connection.

Why she developed this program:
Growing up as a lesbian, she felt like an outsider.  The place she didn’t feel this way, was with horses.  

With them, she was able to deeply connect, feel accepted, seen and loved for who she was.  

She found a wild, magic freedom and magical sense of Oneness while with horses.  Connecting with them, she discovered an unspoken, intuitive language of trust, safety and rapport.

She learned to believe in herself, just as she was which helped her to believe anything was possible through connection.

Now, she teaches people to tap into this inner-resource that everyone has, this profound ability of connection with animals and each-other to see what gifts emerge from each individual.

Through animal communication and connection, people and animals discover an empowering sense of freedom, confidence, deep belief in self, trust and that anything is possible, through connection. 

Your investment is $197 USD a month with a two month commitment

Click here to secure your spot for the course with 2 payments


Save about $100 and make one payment of $297
Click here for a one time payment to secure your spot

© 2022 Copyright. All Rights Reserved. Sandy Rakowitz, One Heart Healing Center, LLC.