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One Heart Journaling 4 Day Series

Thanks for joining the One Heart Journaling Series – Self-Study!

Please Check your Email and click the confirmation link.

If you don’t receive the emails, search your email folders for an email from or email for assistance.

This fun and enlightening series will help you know what your heart is really trying to tell you!

One Heart Journaling is not about the Art, 
it is about what is in your Heart.

The get started information is being emailed to you.  

Via email you will receive the handouts with a simple supplies list, simple steps on getting started, guidelines that will also help you in living life more fully, and the empowering, soothing, powerfully transformative class videos.

Just go step by step.  

Each of the handouts you will get via email will take just a few minutes to read.  I recommend putting all your handouts in a folder on your computer. 

Get started now, Watch the Welcome Video, Click Here

In this video, you get an overview, some of the Key Guidelines, Supplies,
and talk about Getting Started with soothing Color Swatches, and more.
(Please ignore references for a Facebook group)

Today, confirm your email subscription, and then look for the email with all the handouts.

In the upcoming days look for another email with access to all the Recordings for your Classes.

I am SO EXCITED you are on this life changing journey!

With Love and Appreciation,


One Heart Journaling
Living Your Life On Purpose.


About Certified Life, Business and Money Coach, Healing Practitioner, Sandy Rakowitz

Sandy Rakowitz is an award winning, certified Life, Business & Money Coach, Animal Communication and Healing Practitioner with over 30 years of professional experiences.  She is founder of One Heart Journaling.

Sandy helps people Live their Life On Purpose.

She assists people and animals to learn, grow, live vibrantly, co-exist more peacefully, with greater compassion and understanding. 

Sandy cultivates the deepening of connections with oneself, animals, nature, the creative life force within, and Source, each-other for individual, and universal, and evolutionary expansion and growth.