‘Step In Sync®’ with your Dogs
Creating Calm, Confidence & Courage with Dogs
About the Jitter Busters for Dogs Program to Step In Sync with your dog:
One Heart Healing Center is offering programs and private 1:1 sessions for dogs with dogs who pull on leash and who have, challenging behaviors.
One Heart Healing calls this Jitter Busters because we’ve worked with many reactive dogs with shyness, fears, and reactions to people, dogs, situations or circumstances and we’ve been AWED with the transformations that have occured using these methods. We’ve seen that most reactive behaviors are fear based – hence calling it Jitter Busters.
Most of the people who bring their dogs into Jitter Busters have tried just about everything before – mulitple training techniques, trainers, classes, vets, and sometimes medications. Some of the training methods they’ve used has gone against their heart and values but they wanted to find something that worked.
We know people care deeply about their dog.
We have discovered people just do not know what else to do.
Often they feel frustration, alone with these issues,
and sometimes even feel embarrassment at their behaviors.
Many clients want additional help beyond
what they’ve already tried.
We’ve discovered people often are unsure if they
are using techniques ‘the right way,’ they often can’t find other people who ‘understand’ these particular kinds of reactive dog behavior challenges.
People with reactive dogs often can’t find a place to practice around other dogs in a manner that is safe.
Many of the dogs have been ‘kicked out’ of’ other classes. Most of these dogs have not been able to participate in ‘normal’ home or social situations. Many have had to be separated from other dogs. Many people have tried forceful methods – even if they do not like them, just because they do not know what else to do. Often this weighs heavily in their hearts.
Sandy is excited to have created a very specialized program with reactive dogs and their people in mind. A class for those where management of behaviors has been difficult, often scary, and where they’ve not been able to have much fun with their dogs.
We’ve created a safe, calm, innovative and very mindful program for you and your dogs to learn together gently, with out force, compassionately, and with a positive approach that is very highly effective – and even fun!
In our experience people and their dogs can learn, share and support so much with one another in a safe learning environment, set up especially to enhance and build centered, calm, confidence and courage – for both the dogs, and their people. Yes, this is possible, even with dogs who have previously been reactive around other dogs, or people.
Jitter Busters creates such an environment where behaviors are understood from the inside out, new skills are gradually developed, with tools that specifically enhance the ability to learn, to be able to focus more readily, and to be calming.
Experience teamwork and collaboration with other people, and other dogs. Where you get to practice new skills handling your own, and sometimes, with other dogs.
This is a place where you get to experience, and celebrate the joys of progressive, positive changes in behavior.
If you are looking for a class with drama, high excitement levels, a fast pace, and little change of behavior, this class IS NOT for you!
Jitter Buster Program Promotes…
…Physical and emotional balance with purposeful movement as key elements.
This is step-by-step approach in a very relaxed, low pressure environment.
Specific exercises and methods are used to help arousal levels lower, where calming is elicited without force, in a gentle manner.
Dogs who go through the Jitter Busters program are more able to think vs. react. The hallmark of Jitter Busters is to cultivate the ability to learn with calm focus.
Within these new situations and experiences, dogs are more likely to give appropriate calming and social signals when in balance.
In Jitter Buster classes, we help your dog learn these appropriate signals. And we help you understand what to look for and the signs important for you to understand, even encourage in your dog.
Dogs and their people are set up to be successful by engaging in purposeful, mindful movement activity.
The goals of this program are to give the previously reactive dogs and their handlers new experiences of feeling safe, relaxed, and in control while in the presence of other dogs, people or situations which would have previously elicited fearful responses.
The goal is not for close or nose to nose meet and greets between dogs, but rather to be calmly in the presence of others where there has previously been reactivity.
This is created gradually with small, carefully monitored, safe, incremental steps that create calm, balanced movement and experiences. Consistently, participants are amazed, often stunned at the weekly positive changes in their dogs in class. Consistently, participants see changes at home in between classes and on walks. People watch previously challenging behaviors begin to diminish.
Happier, calmer dogs emerge. And the relationships between people and their dogs begin to improve, be more harmonious, and they are able to enjoy more relaxed time together, as well as have more fun together, and their bond is enhanced.
The Jitter Buster Program includes learning 5 Key Skill Areas:
•Tools: Learn safe, gentle, non-threatening tools like the TTouches, TTouch Harness, Double-end leash, body wraps, stuffed dog exercises, neutral dogs, playground for higher learning, TTouch leading exercises, groundwork, working with various triggers, and more.
•Safety: Learn how to create safety so you can help your dog develop appropriate Social Signals and Calming Signals as part of their body language education.
•Management: Learn ways to lower arousal levels in order develop confidence in successive steps so they can be in the presence of other dogs, people, situations, and triggers without reactivity
•Food Uses: Learn when or when not to use food. Learn alternate key tools to use for eliciting thinking, confidence building behaviors.
•Purposeful Movement Exercises: Purposeful, mindful movement is a key element in lowering arousal levels. Successive steps with purposeful movements are used as part of developing appropriate behaviors.
BONUS: We have a new, exciting, leading edge ‘assistant’ we have incorporated into Jitter Busters using the BEMER Technology. * This has been recommended by Linda Tellington-Jones, founder of TTouch. Sandy is in regular contact and consults with Linda, and always incorporating innovative, safe, respectful ways to assist you and your dogs.
The foundation of Jitter Busters is the Tellington TTouch Method® combined with additional creative, gentle, natural, non-threatening, no-force, respectful, mindful methods which encourage feeling safer with more appropriate coping in the world.
This program is helpful for those who want to step in sync with your own dog, to become more confident together as a team, to learn effective solutions for leash pulling and other reactive behaviors. Also great if you work as a volunteer, or work professionally with fearful, anxious or reactive dogs.
This program is NOT for you if you are not open to or willing to try new, gentle, positive ways of working with your dog; or if you are not open to new perspectives.
Jitter Busters Group Program Includes:
* Jitter Buster Small Group Classes
* Jitter Buster Private, 1:1 Kickstart in person Session
* Handouts
* Next Steps for you and your dog
* Use of BEMER during private and group classes:
Next Class dates and early bird offers to be announced.
Meanwhile, Contact Sandy to set up your Evaluation phone session and private sessions. Email Sandy@OneHeartHealingCenter.com
You Will Learn a Step-By-Step System USING PROVEN METHODS for:
* Physical and Emotional Balance
* Arousal Lowering Methods
* No-Force, Gentle, Highly Effective
* Thinking Behaviors vs. Reactive Behaviors
* Appropriate Social Signals
* Purposeful Movement Exercises & Activities
* New Experiences of Safety, Relaxation and Control
Did you know that Tellington TTouch is also beneficial for additional health and wellbeing?
* Seniors aging issues
* Enhancing Mobility for joints
* Enhancing Muscle tone and elasticity
* Helping Puppies concentrate and focus
* Assisting coordination
* Maintaining elasticity and enhanced function for athletes
* Benefits short and long term flexibility
Contact Sandy to discuss your needs and set up a session; Email Sandy@OneHeartHealingCenter.com
Classes are held at the beautiful One Heart Healing Center headquarters located in San Luis Obispo.
Depending on the dogs and their progress, some ‘out and about’ classes may be included – with prior notice and careful preparation.
All dogs are admitted only through a Complimentary Evaluation phone session with Sandy. This is to ensure the safety of each class participant and to keep the class size to a minimum. Email Sandy@OneHeartHealingCenter.com to set up your session, at no cost, to see if this Jitter Busters Program or if another of the Jitter Busters option would work best.
Full payment is needed to reserve a place for you and your dog. You can register and pay directly with Sandy during your Evaluation session when you decide upon the best Jitter Buster option.
Participation with or without a dog:
You may bring a dog with prior evaluation with Sandy, see Registration section. You may also participate in the program without a dog. Pricing is the same whether you bring a dog or not.
Class Size:
Class size is limited to 4 dogs. The number depends on the issues presented by each participant.
For instance, if we have dogs who primarily have sound issues with no dog-to-dog or dog-to-people issues, then the size may be larger then if we have 4 dogs with dog-to-dog issues.
This careful evaluation of dog participation and size ensures personal attention with safe, calm, relaxed, effective management with reactive dogs.
Everyone will get plenty of practice with hands on handling experiences and full participation. Sandy is well known for creating groups which foster a warm, safe, easy to learn in environment for people and their dogs.
Space is very limited for each class, usually 3-4 dogs, though this depends on the nature of the dogs attending. Please contact Sandy to have your evaluation session so you can reserve your spot early and ensure your place.
Who Attends:
Reactive Dogs who have issues with shyness, fear and reactivity, tension and stress in behavior and/or body, leash pulling, jumping up, resistances and excess behaviors. These methods are also extremely beneficial for those who are well-behaved and more ‘neutral.’
Make-Up Classes: 1 Make-up class is allowed in the form of being given a TTouch Video demonstration or MP3 audio from a previous related class.
Refunds: Jitter Busters payment is non-refundable.
NEXT Jitter Buster Program DATES:
Contact Sandy@OneHeartHealingCenter.com for upcoming dates
* About BEMER: Using the BEMER technology as a gentle, safe aide for training is a new cutting edge method and is fully endorsed by Linda Tellington-Jones, founder of Tellington TTouch. In fact, Linda is the spokesperson for using BEMER with Animals!
Sandy has regular conversations with Linda about BEMER use with dogs, cats, horses and people. Sandy is a regular contributor to Linda’s weekly Animal BEMER webinars sharing her many exciting stories about using BEMER for training and health and well being.
We are seeing incredibly positive, effective, efficient results when using this simple-to-use technology as an integral part of our classes and training with dogs. You will benefit as well!
Or, if you would like the Jitter Busters for Animals online self study program, Click Here
I look forward to supporting you and your dog to cultivate calmness, confidence and courage.
ABOUT Sandy Rakowitz
Sandy Rakowitz, helping you and your animals cultivate calm focus, courage and confidence so you can live the solutions to previously difficult behavior issues.
And for Uplifting the Heart & Soul of Women Entrepreneurs she offers In Sync Coaching with Heart & Soul Holistic Strategies to Awaken your Dreams, Envision, Cultivate, Take Action, Live On Purpose, Manifest and Live Your Dreams.
Why Just Dream It, When You Can Live Your Dreams?
Sandy is the Founder and Spiritual Director of One Heart Healing Center who recently moved 2700 miles across the country from Virginia to California with her two elder horses, young cat and business in order to more fully Live Her Dreams. She has offered Awakening, Transformative, Empowerment programs for People and Animals for close to 30 years with clients around the globe.
Animal Communication, Tellington TTouch, Brennan Hands of Light Energy Healing, BEMER, Therapeutic uses of Essential Oils, Flower Essences, Money Breakthroughs, Developing Signature Programs, Business & Life Visioning, and the power of Ancient Archetypes are just a few of the transformative vehicles she implements to assist uplifting your heart and soul vibrancy with your animals, your life and business.
Go ahead and get started dreaming, visioning and living your dreams with your complimentary Animal Communication Kit at www.OneHealingCenter.com