Market Place
Helping Your Holistic Business to Thrive
Welcome to the One Heart Healing Center Market Place!
Getting Your Message in front of a new audience.
Our current One Heart email subscriber database comprises approximately 2500 people interested in the health and wellbeing of people, and their animals.
We are continuously adding to our email subscriber community. This is a way for you to get your endorsed message into a room full of your ideal clients and customers for a flat fee. It's a win-win-win! With paid advertising, you are getting in front of some of your ideal customers, while still paying to be seen by those who are not.
With affiliate marketing, while certainly beneficial, you could end up paying much more in affiliate commissions.
With the One Heart Market Place advertising, you get in front of a cultivated list of people who are predominantly women between 40-70 years, oriented to holistic health and healing, spirituality, mindfulness, wellbeing, animal communication, energy healing, hands on modalities with people and animals, conscious, meditators, intuitive, creatives, and other holistic oriented entrepreneurs.
This audience already trusts me, Sandy Rakowitz, and so when I introduce someone to them, there is a higher level of implicit trust already built in for you. This is priceless!
I am excited to support you in bringing your expertise, and your fresh content to my list to help them grow and live more fully. By choosing the "Spotlight Success" Option, (see details below) your article will help them develop trust in you, your services and products, and help support your business success as well!

Market Place Options
Choose your One Heart Market Place preference(s):
1) Success Spotlight Market Place Listing Includes
* Spotlight Introduction - Your Bio highlighted in one Animal Wisdoms One Heart e-Newsletter as a Preview and introduction of you & your services or product 2-4 weeks prior to your article and offer being featured.
* Spotlight Article - Your article/offer is featured in one Animal Wisdoms One Heart e-Newsletter (Click for Details)
Click Here to see an example of a successful Spotlight Listing that has proven to
(1) Enroll new people onto Val's list
(2) Enroll new clients
(3) Generate an increasing amount of return on her original investment each month since her article and blog were posted.
* Spotlight Blog Post - Your same article is the feature in the One Heart Blog - this is EVERGREEN Advertising!
* Spotlight Listing - One additional listing of your product or services placed as a Marketplace listing (220 words or less) in an additional Animal Wisdoms One Heart e-Newsletter within 3 months of original article feature.
YES! I'm Ready To Be Introduced to and Seen By 2,500 of My Ideal Prospects with a Success Spotlight Market Place Listing! $500
2) Sprint Listing Includes:
* Sprint Listing - Your product or services listed once a month for 3 months, (220 words or less) in the Animal Wisdoms One Heart e-Newsletter for 3 months.
-- $300 per month as a recurring charge for 3 months. non refundable, non-transferrable.
YES! I am ready to Be Seen By 2,500 of My Ideal Prospects with a Sprint Market Place Listing at $300 per month, recurring for 3 months.
3) Business Establisher Includes:
* Business Establisher Listing - Your product or services listed once a month for six months, (220 words or less) in the Animal Wisdoms One Heart e-Newsletter.
-- $250 per month as a recurring charge for 6 months. non refundable, non-transferrable.
YES! I am ready to Be Seen By 2,500 of My Ideal Prospects with a Business Establisher Listing at $250 a month, recurring for 6 months.
By sending in your payment, you automatically agree to the listings as set forth above.
Upon payment, the following will be sent to you:
1. A payment confirmation email will be sent to you automatically
2. A welcome to the marketplace email.
3. Soon thereafter, if you’ve signed up for the Success Spotlight listing, you will get an email with potential dates for Success Spotlight solo email publication.
You are responsible for sending in your listing information and arranging the date with Sandy Rakowitz, by emailing

About Sandy Rakowitz...

Sandy is the founder of where she has guided and trained animal lovers, animal care professional and those seeking self-empowerment through her transformative healing and coaching programs, products, and certification programs for three decades.
She specializes in Animal Communication, Brennan Hands of Light Energy Healing with people and animals, Tellington TTouch, Essential Oils and channeled holistic healing methods, including her Creative Soul Multi-media Journaling Process and the Awaken Animal Communication Method.
She empowers people to access and develop their natural intuitive instincts and psychic abilities, while awakening their life purpose, along with the animals they love and have loved.