The ART of FLOW Sandy creative covers
Creative Art Journaling Workshop

Gain Energized Focus, Crystal Clarity
and Courage

Create MORE of What You DO Want In Life!

This Empowering Creative, Art Journaling Workshop supports you to tell, see and experience a better-feeling internal story about the things that are important to you and which you WANT TO CREATE.  
Join us! Click to Register

The Art Journaling Steps you will be guided through will help you:

* Compassionately Dis-Engage from Sticky, Slow-Down-the-Flow Self-Doubt, Fears and Anxieties – the thoughts, beliefs and feelings that keep you Stuck and out of your Flow.

* Discover What you need to Energize YOUR FLOW, and help you step into Your Zone of Flow where the Magic of Synchronicity reside.

* Cultivate Your Mind connected with your Heart Flow, to richly grow this internal garden

* Weed Out What Hasn’t Worked Well

* Discover the Fertilizer you have inside cultivated from past experiences

* Clarify your Intention with What You DO Want To Create and Create a ‘Wisdom Tree’


Esther – Abraham Hicks The Universal Law of Allowing

 “…the Law of Allowing is really where all of your personal power lies.”  
~ Abraham

 The Art of Flow Creative Art Journaling Process helps you gain a deeper sense of your personal power. 

Engaging your intention, clearing emotions, while using simple art speaks to the heart while balancing with the mind. 

The Art of Flow Creative Art Journaling process assists you to move into your own Rhythm of Flow and Step In Sync more freely and with greater ease.  This empowering process helps you get out of just being in your head, and engages both the logical and intuitive, creative aspects of yourself.  

As you Tune In and clarify your heart’s desires,
Let Go of things that are not working, you’ll 
Turn On and Activate your alignment more fully with your Intuition, Soul, Source, Your Divine Spark, so you can Step Into, and Live more Freely In This readily available FLOW. 

There is an Art to Allowing and in releasing resistance, places inside that get stuck – day to day, in an ongoing basis.  

Like a muscle, practicing the art of flow needs exercise that engages both the mind and heart together.  

This workshop helps you Direct the Deliberate Power of your own thoughts connected with your feelings. Through engaging this creative art journaling process you’ll literally use simple Art you create to build, strengthen and anchor more of what you DO Want in life.  This is the Practice Applying The Art Of Flow in your life.

Join Us! Register Here, Click this Link.

Through this process, watch and experience your Magic of Flow unfold as you
Cultivate Clear Intention for the upcoming months – year.

 * You do not need to like writing, drawing, painting or feel creative for this workshop.  

* This process is priceless for moving forward, gaining clarity, insights and courage.  

* The Art of Flow Workshop process works even if you do not feel you have a creative bone in your body.  

* All Supplies and Steps are provided so you participate easily.

The Art of Flow Workshop
Saturday, February 10, 2018
9am – 1 pm
One Heart Healing Center
San Luis Obispo, CA
Includes Supplies,
light snacks, tea, inspiring views surrounded by nature.

Register Here, Click this Link.
After payment you will be automatically sent a welcome email, with details and directions.

Have questions? Email Sandy

About Sandy Rakowitz, The Art of Flow Workshop Leader:

Sandy Rakowitz,
Step In Sync Coach and Founder of One Heart Healing Center is a compassionate catalyst for women to Live the Art of Flow, Stepping In Sync with their animals, dreams, heart and business, creating financial independence making money, while offering innovative, impactful work in the world.
I can’t wait to share these simple, profound steps with you!  Register by clicking here.