2-27-10 Gigi IS HOME!!!!!! safe and sound as of 4:15 am this morning! She looks fine. It's so unbelievable that we have her back. A million thanks to all who have helped. And to all who have had positive thoughts and wishes. Now that she's back, there we can share some … [Read more...]
Refreshing TTouch for the Weary Traveler
Using TTouch to ease the stresses of traveling was a story topic at one of my earliest TTEAM trainings held at Spring Farm Cares in NY back in the late 1980’s. One of the Practitioners spoke about driving from Wisconsin to Florida by trailer with her horse and a friend’s … [Read more...]
Skunked: What’s that Smell?
We all know that Skunks use their strong-smelling spray to defend themselves. As their only form of defense, it is pretty effective in driving anyone away from them! Evidently, the spray is composed of a kind of sulfuric acid that they can "fire" or spray from either of two … [Read more...]
Veterinarians Speaking out against Punishment and Dominence Training
Did you know that an increasing number of Veterinarians are speaking out against using Dominance and Punishment based techniques? Someone recently asked me my opinion of Cesar Milan, also known as "The Dog Whisperer." I know that this is a controversial topic. He has a show … [Read more...]
TTouch For You: Empowering!
Training in Review: TTouch For You; Keswick, VA May 1,2, 3, 2009 This was a truly inspiring weekend. I have been using this method for over 20 years and I am continually amazed at the power and depth that is available with this method. One participant said … [Read more...]