Thank you for your love and connection
with animals…

Click Here to Download the e-Guidebook
Exploring the Healing Potential
of Brennan Healing Science with Animals 

“Explore Your own Healing Manifesto, creating a dynamic love letter for living your life…

…as a healing adventure with your animals,
from the Infinite Heart of Creative Bliss. 

Let this grow into everything you do in life.”
with Sandy Rakowitz 

The animals and I appreciate you joining us on this journey through the BBSH-HMD Class in Australia.

Invite your animals, they LOVE to join in and listen also!

Even if your animals are not in the house invite them to join, and even if they have passed over, invite them.

This is for ALL of our Awakening, Activation and Deepening of our Connections individually, with our animals, collectively for humanity, the earth, nature and the animals for the evolution of all of our consciousness across dimensions.

You will also receive an email with the e-Guidebook.

If you have any questions please email me at

About Sandy Rakowitz:
Sandy Rakowitz has been at the forefront of celebrating the human-animal bond for four decades with innovative initiatives.  A 1995 BBSH Graduate, and BBSH Faculty -95-2001, Sandy is a Master Animal Communicator, Energy Healer, Transformational Coach, and Connector across dimensions, speaker, author, artist and founder of the award winning business One Heart Healing Center.

Sandy is thrilled to be expanding her coaching, classes, pastedGraphic_2.pngprograms and Adventure Healing Retreats in the creation of One Heart University – a multidimensional universe of learning and growth – online and in person.

What people are saying about working with Sandy Rakowitz:

You Have Helped me to Find My STRENGTH.
pastedGraphic_3.png“My life is better, so much better, with you, Sandy Rakowitz in it!   That is so absolutely clear – clear – clear – CLEAR!  You help me keep my life focused and moving forward.  You prod ever so gently.  Through our work together, I have changed.   I have grown.    

I have moved forward in ways I would not have expected 10, 20, 30 years ago.   You help me to see myself through changed eyes.   

 I have no problem seeing my weaknesses.   You have helped me to find my strength when it has felt lost, to see the beauty of my path when my vision felt dimmed, and to recognize the truth — the sincere, gentle and powerful truth — of my passion.   Thank you for being my coach and my friend.”
Beth Glass, Wheelersburg, Ohio


pastedGraphic_5.png“This Akashic reading was one of the highlights of my life! This was spectacular and incredible.  I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.  This gives me a piece of peace.”
~Kris O. Colorado


Depth, Clarity and Breakthroughs

pastedGraphic_5.png“In my work with Sandy there is new depth and clarity to my understanding of issues I’ve struggled with for decades.  I have new, powerful tools for resolving these once damaging issues, and freeing myself to move forward in my life.  

I’m having huge breakthroughs since working with you Sandy.  Since the death of my husband less than a year ago, I am not debilitated with grief anymore.

I am able to speak and find my voice in new ways. I can speak my truth without fear.   I’m having positive conversations I’ve not been able to have before.

I have worked through many issues with money. 

I am hearing spiritual beings again.  It’s been years.
I am getting amazing feedback about how I seem to people who’ve known me a long time. I am going in the direction I want now.

Skilled, knowing, non judgmental, compassionate, heart centered, at home in this sacred healing dimension, Sandy is all this and more.  I am blessed to work with her. She’s an Angel here to guide and support us through these uncharted times.”
~ Penny, Nashville, TN


Making Decisions Differently
pastedGraphic_5.png“I recognize I will Forever handle things differently. I stopped my panic. I felt my emotions.  I made decisions differently.  Even regarding money which has been a struggle previously.”
~ Emily, Paynesville, OH


Valuable Insights and Practical Suggestions
pastedGraphic_5.pngMy Akashic record reading with you was totally amazing! Your words resonated with me on a very deep level and I gained many valuable insights. 

During the reading, I could genuinely feel the love from the other side coming into my heart. What a beautiful and powerful experience!

What I learned about myself and my soul purpose was truly fascinating. 

A pleasant surprise was receiving the practical suggestions on what I can do each day in order to stay connected to my higher purpose, take better care of myself, and be of more service to others.

Your reading was deeply comforting and life changing. 

For anyone looking to understand and align more fully with their purpose, I recommend that they give themselves the gift of Akashic record readings with you.”

Val Dawson, LCSW, Arizona


Boundaries in a New Way
pastedGraphic_5.png“Normally I absorb too much from others. Today, for the first time while talking with my ex, I had boundaries in a way that was new, and has not been normal for me. I was not overly connected.   It was very calming.”

~ Lynn, Silver Spring, MD


Becoming More Confident
pastedGraphic_5.png“I am gaining a deeper understanding of and embracing the “process” of animal communication.  These are skills which I can now replicate instead of it being happen stance one-off phenomenon.

I have become so much more confident and “out” about owning this as one of my gifts.  I appreciate being able to “show up” as myself with a group of like-minded people where I don’t have to “edit” myself for fear of being thought of as a nut.  This has been a true blessing.  It has cost an enormous amount of energy in my life to always cautiously hide the very essence of who I am.”
~ Lori, Vashon Washington



Tapping into my Knowing and No Longer Invisible

pastedGraphic_5.png“I’ve always said I was an ‘Accidental Intuitive.’  I am feeling it easier and easier to tap into my knowing and feel Competent since starting the Multidimensional Program with Sandy. 

 I am talking with people and sharing again. I am getting positive feedback vs being invisible. I am dreaming and remembering my dreams for the first time in years.”
~ Alicia W. Charlottesville, VA



Coming Back to Myself
pastedGraphic_5.png “I feel like I have come back to myself.  This wonderful Animal Communication Intensive has brought new life to my spiritual path. It’s was AWESOME!”
~Anne M.  Florida



pastedGraphic_5.png“This reading just changed my life, and my history!”
~ Deckllan H. Texas



Accurate, Insightful Heart-Based
pastedGraphic_5.png“Thank you SO MUCH for the Akashic Reading. So interesting and right on target! You are a gifted, compassionate, perceptive spiritual healer and counselor.  You have the ability to connect easily in a relaxed and friendly manner.  The reading was accurate and insightful with a heart-based approach that shines through.  I highly recommend Sandy!”
~ Susan K. New York



Money Blind Spots Gave Way to Creativity, Spirituality and Financial Success

pastedGraphic_6.png“With her healing expertise, Sandy compassionately helped me address my money blind spots so I could live in a new, more positive and empowered way with money and my business. I now access the keys to healing with money in profound ways to include my creativity, spirituality and financial success.”

~Gale West, Sacred Money Mastery Coach, Chicago, Illinois



My First NEW Client at New Rates!


“My year is off to a great start so far!  I booked my first client at my new rates last week.  Thank you again for everything, Sandy!  You have been a blessing in my life, and I’m forever grateful for your wisdom and guidance.”  

~ Doryan Cawyer, Canine Massage , Florida


No Longer Feeling Stuck

pastedGraphic_5.png“For three years I’ve not been feeling motivated, and have felt stuck in my business.  In working with you, I feel such relief, like a weight has lifted off me.  I now feel

inspired, I have a plan with how and where to go from here, with purpose and direction”

Cathy Markowich, Dog Trainer, Pennsylvania



Improved Core Stability, Self Control and Focus

pastedGraphic_5.pngWhen Ruby first came to work with me, she was highly sensitive to being touched, and she was extremely difficult to walk on leash. When she saw other dogs she lunged with full power, snarling and growling.  This is what Bev wrote after a few sessions:

“Ruby continues to demonstrate improvement overall in her core stability with our work together. I’m incorporating the techniques you taught me for Ruby, and for my own settling, which have been helpful. 

Ruby exhibits much more self control in challenging situations. My husband  I are noticing that she has been more focused than ever.  We’re all greatly encouraged as we can see progress weekly and as we discover the valuable resource we are lucky to have in you and the skills you bring to the Central Coast.”  

Bev De Witt Moylan, Los Osos, CA,  Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner



More understanding and Patience
pastedGraphic_7.pngSandy opened my eyes and heart into viewing “things differently” in our world. Through her, I have learned how to understand my dogs in a way that I never thought possible. I have more understanding, therefore more patience for our most loving companions. It has definitely made me a better person and I believe a better trainer.

Ellen Broomfield, Dog Trainer, Florida



Setting New Empowered Boundaries, with New Exciting Opportunities Opening Up

pastedGraphic_8.png“This week has been amazing since working with you. I have new opportunities opening up.  I just taught my first workshop animal communication workshop to veterinary staff.  We’ll do a second workshop next month.  Sandy, this kind of creating has never worked for me before.  THIS IS NEW!  

Toby (my dog,) has been helping me plan the workshops.  I knew little how he would help me when we both first began working with you.  You confirmed to me that Toby had a lot to teach, but this exceeds any imagination I ever had before. 

This is something else that is new and huge for me, I am setting boundaries in new ways.  I feel  much freer and happy.  I feel like I now know what it means to be successful with humility.   I don’t feel like I have to defend what I’m doing anymore to anyone.  I just know and go with it.   I am SO SO SO happy I took you up on your offer.  I feel like I’m finally “here.”  The way becomes clearer every day.”
~ Jana Wagner, Animal Communicator, Pennsylvania


Behaving Amazingly Well, even Years Later!

“Since we worked together years ago, we are all doing surprisingly well.  Alvin is doing amazing.  He loves his TTouches and has become my heart dog as he seeks me every morning for some TTouch and then crawls into my heart.  Thank you for your help with him!!”

~ Pat Linkens Murgo, Neonatal Intensive Care RN, Virginia

A note from Sandy about Pat and Alvin:  Pat had tried both traditional coercive and positive reinforcement training, using many varied techniques very diligently. She got very teary when talking about using some of the recommended coercive techniques.   At least one vet had recommended Alvin be euthanized. He was seen as not being trainable, not able to change, and was becoming increasingly dangerous.

Pat loved this dog.  She was distraught, frustrated and very upset upon their first visit with me as she had tried so many methods to no avail.

Here’s a few of the issues Alvin presented initially – all of which have changed completely: “Alvin is very anxious with other people in the house (my son, daughter and son and daughter in laws.   Alvin does not like to be touched or physically handled. He growled and went after our blind, elder dog. He is super shy, fearful, and not enjoying life.   

When on a trip, Alvin won’t potty on walks on the leash.  He goes as long as 12-14 hours.  Won’t eat or drink.  Can’t leave him home because there isn’t anyone he will go to while we are gone.  We have tried herbal treatment, acupuncture, animal communicator, animal behaviorist, medication.  Briefly tried EFT.  I think we have exhausted all avenues to help solve this.”

Alvin is an example of a dog who wasn’t understood, and who simply didn’t understand much about what was happening in his life, why his little (blind) ’brother’ acted the way he did, and why people behaved the ways they did.  Pat believed in him, and now, he is a wonderful dog and they have become an awesome, fun loving team!

Alvin made tremendous changes with TTouch, essential oils, flower essences and animal communication.

You can see him in this picture above, just a comfortable, confident, bright dog, one of the pack!