Ibis, the Wise Guide and Teacher, a 35 year old horse, guides people into “Mining For the Gold.” He is becoming known for his declarations of heart wisdom.
For his 35th Birthday in April, we decided to have a big Birthday Party!
The Milestone event was made all the more precious, since we moved from the east coast to the west coast last summer in August of 2016. Many were doubtful about moving ‘such an old horse’ on a 2700 mile trip, in the summer.
Ibis and Zoey arrived in California bright, excited, strong and happy at sunset. The temperature was about 35 degrees cooler then when we all left Virginia 6 days earlier.
The Central Coast of California was a delightful 75 degrees compared to the 103 degrees in the blazing, dripping, hot humidity of Virginia.
Me, I was jumping up and down in excitement to meet the horses at our new boarding barn, having just driven into town an hour before their wonderful chariot, via Equine Express!
During the eight months since our arrival, Ibis has had a few rough patches. There were a few times we weren’t sure if he’d pull through.
Ibis kept telling me via telepathic communication, to not worry. He had no intention of leaving his body quite yet. I knew to trust him.
He continued with complete confidence and knowing, “There is still much for you to learn.” I could hear and feel the vastness of his statement reverberate throughout my being.
Deep inside my heart and being, I recognized this reverberating sense like a huge sound wave washing over and through my body and emotions.
This was one of Ibis’ “Wisdom Declarations.” I knew I was in for another big ride in life’s journeys – guided masterfully by him.
Recently I heard someone speak about “Mining The Gold” of an experience. This metaphor fits the nature of how Ibis teaches and guides me, and many people. Find the gold inside, regardless of what the situation looks or feels like.
Ibis continuously asks you to go deeper, and expand beyond where you have previously gone emotionally, in your beliefs, mindsets, through your heart.
Awed by his wisdom, he sees what’s going on from a larger perspective. He continues to envision a bright future. His abilities as a bridge builder between people, horses and their deepening connections continues daily.
He LOVES to have people come together for celebration, fun, creativity, for connecting more deeply, in heart opening events, so we had a “Paint The Pony” Birthday Celebration.
Most of the guests exclaimed, “I’ve never been to a Horse’s Birthday Party or Pony Painting before.” Take a look at his milestone birthday party scene….
A celebration of Birth, of being here in the physical body, and celebrating new connections, and new life.
Enjoy the Celebration…. Watch this video (1 min. 32 sec.) for more Party Celebration with Painting the Ponies…
Click Here
After everyone left, Ibis was the happiest I’ve seen him since we moved to California. His eyes were extremely bright, he emitted a sense of deep satisfaction. His orchestration was working well. We were all receiving the benefits of his guidance.
Continue Celebrate with Us, Remember to Mine The Gold!
Sandy, Ibis, Zoey, & Cassia too!
About Sandy:
Sandy Rakowitz sparks people’s intuitive abilities to awaken and coaches courageous breakthroughs to living a more empowered life.
Her expertise has been honed with over 28 + years in private practice ranges from holistic modalities, money empowerment, and business breakthroughs for healing and wellness experts and leaders.
Sandy teaches, coaches and guides people 1:1 privately and with groups via telephone, Skype with people and animals worldwide, and in person.
Get started with your complimentary “Animal Communication Kit” at OneHeartHealingCenter.com
Sandy, I am sure you don’t remember, but we first met when I took my first Mal, Nala, to the Festival in Lee Park in 2005 and she was a nervous wreck in the crowds (total opposite of Liz), so you blasted me for bringing her there. I was trying to help her overcome her fear (and mine, too). My friends said she was nervous so I did not have to be. I really put her through a lot, including an international photographers’ convention in DC with over a thousand people, going up and down elevators and escalators. She was my emotional support dog and knew I had seizures before the doctors did. I know she trained me more than I trained her. From 10 months to 10 years was not long enough, but I treasure every moment I had with her.
HI Marian, Yes I do remember you of course. I am glad you had such a loyal and faithful companion with Nala, and had so many treasured moments together. She is forever in your heart.