There is an Art to Letting go of ‘Things’ after a loved one dies.
Horsie people & you as heart connectors will understand this one….
…this is a Big Deal….
…The other day I let my saddle go.
Picture: Ibis with me on board with our lovely, beloved Dressage Saddle.
We were in one of our earliest lessons with Centered Riding Founder Sally Swift, 1989.
It’s been over a year. And, my heart still grieves for my horse Ibis who passed away at age 37.
I got this saddle when Ibis was 7,
over 32 years ago.
Three decades together, Ibis, me, and that saddle.
The saddle was purchased especially for for him. Specifically fit just for his back and his shape.
And, my Grandma helped me purchase it.
So there is that connection with my grandmother as well.
I’d tried out a dozen saddles on Ibis before finding The One that fit so he could be comfortable and move freely.
There was the time and heart investment of deep caring for his comfort – in even in finding that saddle!
That’s us, riding in 1989. Ibis, me, and the saddle. In Vermont.
Having this comfy fitting saddle was a major blessing as he became happier under saddle….
…for the first time.
That was Relief for us both.
During those years back in the late 1980’s I was also training other horses.
Our lovely saddle fit many horses, and helped so many move unencumbered by not pinching on their shoulders.
My identity was so connected into that saddle,
with Ibis, being a Centered Riding Instructor, TTouch Practitioner, Horse Trainer…
…This was the essence of who I was for decades.
The truth is, I’m no longer training horses professionally.
I haven’t ridden in that Dressage saddle for years.
And, I know, the saddle isn’t Me or my Essence.
It represented me for a long time,
for much of my adulthood.
But the saddle ain’t me.
It was time to let it go.
Another strand of my connection with Ibis through ‘things.’
‘Things’ take up space in our psyche & heart.
But the things are just objects that we place meaning onto.
And so I was able to let the saddle go…
…to give to some other horse and rider team to use,
enjoy & so they can be a better team together.
… I Packed up my beloved saddle, and off it went via UPS.
I thought all was Ok.
And then,
I got in my car.
And the water works turned on.
I sobbed.
The velocity of the tears surprised me.
But not really.’s truly amazing how the heart and our connections work, isn’t it?
How is it that something so simple as letting a saddle go,
can open a valve that had been shut.
A valve I didn’t know had been shut.
I let go.
I Surrender.
I am Releasing the Old.
Outdated things that no longer serve where I am or where I am going.
Things that served their purpose beautifully.
With honor, and appreciations,
I allow what is working its way through me
to have room
and permission.
Saying Yes, to what is,
rather than what has been
is So powerful.
Time to open those valves for new territory.
New openings. New ways.
As I am writing this, Ibis chimes in and says to me,
and to us all-
“Now it is time to ride the tides of life unencumbered by old attachments.
Let go of the ways in which your attachments have saddled you.
These types of attachments serve to ‘pinch’ your shoulders,
your wings,
and your heart,
keeping the valves turned down,
or off.
the deep flow of Love and Connection through Your Heart
and with Source,
rather than to ‘Things’ from the Past.”
He continues to say to you,
“If you would like help moving through things which ‘pinch’
your heart, wings and voice from flying free,
and living your creative dreams,
then set up a time to speak with Sandy.
She knows how to walk you through
letting go.”
but you never know what will come through when you let go
and open up the valves.
Let’s find something that fits your needs and budget.
With Love and Letting Go Appreciations,
P.S. This picture was taken recently with a lovely mare I have the privilege of riding…
Someone else’s horse, and with someone else’s saddle.
= New Life.
More about Sandy Rakowitz:
Animals Saved Her through Connection. Now, Sandy mentors women to save themselves with Animal, Nature & Spirit Wisdoms, unleashing their Creativity and Capacity for Connection with Self, Soul & Source, enhancing Self-Worth & Net-Worth.
Sandy Rakowitz is the Founder of the award winning business:
One Heart Healing Center for the Evolution of Humanity and Universal Consciousness
HeartSelf Process – to Reclaim Your Heart
The Art of Letting Go – To Thrive even through Loss
Remembrance Rocks – Creating a Legacy through Loss
One Heart Journaling – To Unleash Your Creativity & Connection
Awaken Your Inner Dr. Dolittle Method – to Communicate with Animals
Money Empowerment Breakthroughs – Accessing Divine Codes to Create New Stories
Multidimensional Soul Path Program – Living Your Soul Path with Direction & Meaning
Magical Medicine Transformation Process – Claim Your Magic Medicine & Sacred Leadership
Author of:
Nighty Night Liza Loo & Haley Boo, a delightfully sweet children’s bedtime story about a young girl, her dogs, her mom, connection & communication.
Pet Loss: 10 Soothing Grief and Heartbreak Tips
This is so true and timely. It is one of the mysteries of old age that it is so much less about the future. Important to let go, but also important to honor the feelings of loss, I am finding. Have to do both, somehow. xx to you.
Mmmm, yes being with both. Being with all of what arises and trusting your heart can open even so. Trusting your heart. Trusting the messiness. Trusting the unknown of what’s next. Testing your capacity for opening even further even though it has hurt. Love to you Janet.