Daily for over a week, I awake to a shroud of hazy smoke over the skies of our area in the central coast of California. The haze is an ongoing reminder of the fires burning 100 miles south.
As part of my daily practice, I ask what is my purpose today, and lately my question has turned to what is the ‘Vision of Source for me?’
Yesterday, I saw myself and other leaders in prayer setting focused intention with people from all over the world for assistance with these fires. This is in process…and, You are being called to assist too!
This morning, came the idea of presenting a challenge to offer you. The “Thomas Fires,’ which are burning to the south of Santa Barbara are expected to continue past the New Year. This is one of the largest, and the longest fires in our history.
As I have been comtemplating this grave situation. I’ve experienced, and been clearing a wide range of emotions and fears around the fires. I then began asking what can I DO that is of value and service, how can I be of assistance in this situation, what is my particular piece to offer?
Here’s what I know so far:
- I have many powerful tools that I know how to use, and have used with immense impact on many different kinds of situations.
- Prayer is a powerful tool.
- Setting Focused Intention is THE Impact EVERYTHING TOOL, and incredibly potent.
Walk through this with me….
Picturing or visioning what you DO Want…
…The animals have helped me see what we picture in our minds while communicating the same information out loud helps to create that experience more easily and readily.
Picturing what you DO want sounds so reasonable, perhaps even easy, doesn’t it?
Yet we are often picturing the negative outcome of what we FEAR,
rather then what we DO want to create.
Like the fires for instance. How many people continue to see the images of the fires on TV, in the news. These images fill your head, and senses. Focus is placed on the horror and devastation. In no way do I mean to dminish this reality. It is very real indeed.
My point is however, when you think of the fires, or any devastating situation reported on the news, what do You THINK OF AND PICTURE and end up expending energy on?
Energy is expended in continuing those images and thoughts, and those are the images which embed in your psyche. This does nothing to help create a different reality.
Watching the news does nothing to experience a sense of what Can Be Done. Watching the news does nothing to ENGAGE each of your Abilities and Capacities TO CREATE, nor does it ask you To Engage your Sense of Positive Intention. Watching those devastating images does nothing to clear or heal your own beleifs about disasters, bad things happening, things going out of control.
YET, This is POSSIBLE. To Engage, TO Change Your experience, and the experience of others.
In fact, embedding those images of devastation, and seeing them over and over only FUELS more of the same reality and beliefs.
I am interested in activating my own, and everyone else’s capacity for change, on every level – physically, emotionally, with our minds, and with spiritual connections – for evolutionary changes so we can move BEYOND what we have known before into greater unity, harmony, IN ALIGNMENT with positive Values, in Alignment with SOURCE.
I ask you to join me in this evolutionary change!
Here is what else I know:
- Nature, and Weather have Consciousness.
- Nature is a Creative Force
- Weather is a Creative Force
YES, I believe these are true. Not just as concepts, but as reality.
Quantuum Physics now says what has been known since ancient times, We Are All Connected.
I believe this also means connected with nature, the earth, the animals, life on earth, and with Source, with Spirit, with the consciousness that resides in all things, with all beings, and with those who are not incarnate in physical bodies. Even in connection with Weather.
In the Book of Ho’oponopono: The Hawaiin Practice of Forgiveness and Healing, the authors Luc Bodin, etc. state on page 5:
“When talking about these people he had cured, Dr. Len explained that he had healed the part of himself that had created them. HE added that everytihng in our lives, everything that happens to us, is our responsibility. This means that everything we perceive with our five senses-the world around us-is our creation. Consequently, Dr. Len perceived that it was his responsibility to heal the memories within himself that had created this particular situation.”
The situation referred to is as Warden for a prison for the criminally insane, Dr. Len practiced Ho’oponopono for four years without seeing a single prisoner in person. Gradually, the ambiance changed from ‘stressed, odious, and heavy,” where the threat of danger was iminent and absenteeism of staff was high. Relationships began improving. As time went by, the psychiatric ward was closed as there were no more patients.
How did he do this? “Dr. Len explained that he had cleansed the memories he had in common with each patient by simply repeating, “I’m sorry, forgive me, I thank you, I love you.”
What does this have to do with the fires you may be asking?
While we are not all firefighters of the physical, you can make a difference in mobilizing your intention, ability to visualize, your own vision, and most importantly, your relationship with yourselves.
A Collection of People, with a Gathering of Focused Intention makes a difference. (Want more information on the power of intention? Google Lynn McTaggart, The Intention Experiment.)
You can make a difference in harnessing, directing the power of your focus. Collectively this power is increased.
Direct the Power of your Focus, Do it for yourself. Do it for everyone.
The “Thomas Fires” are predicted to not be fully contained or out for several weeks – not until January 8, 2018!
Here is your Daily Challenge until January 8, for the next 23 days, to help clear the fires, the air, tremendous fear, the energy of rage via this fire deemed a “monstor fire”, to help create safety, increase balance, let go of lack of – water-flow – And, To Clear Yourself.
The Practice:
1) Visualize; Calm, clear, clean air, fires out completely, ease, safety for all the people, animals, and nature, for balance restored, safety for all…
…add what YOU DO want to see restored.
2) Comtemplate what these ‘fires’ mean to you, and incorporate this practice each morning to help you clear these memories for yourself, while you bring your focused intention for
3) Daily, say the Ho’oponopono Practice; “I’m sorry, forgive me, I thank you, I love you.”
As one of my wise teachers, Roseanne Forano always said, “This is Easy, yet not always simple.”
Commit to this for yourself, and you will be amazed at the outcomes.
“I’m sorry, forgive me, I thank you, I love you.”
About Sandy Rakowitz, Author of Direct the Power of Your Focus – Thomas Fires
Sandy Rakowitz, Founder of One Heart Healing Center and In Sync Coaching, is an empowering catalyst for women to step into confidence, courage and coherence with their animals, their lives and their business via inspirational 1:1 sessions, coaching, classes, articles, books and other potent creative offerings that help women step into their strengths, gifts and most authentic self.
Sandy lives in the Central Coast of California with her wise and wonderful 35 year Thoroughbred gelding Ibis, along with Zoey the 25 year Paint Pony and Empress of One Heart Healing, and Cassia the youngest team member who is supremely supportive, the beautiful Princess Cat in Service for Change and Transformation.
Beautifully stated with a goal in mind! This will help with the hurt we feel in our hearts but are at a loss on how to positively respond! Thank you!
Thanks Karen! I am glad this gives a positive direction for responses! Hope the ‘kids’ are well! Sandy