In the world of essential oils there has been a tremendous amount of discussion about the words we use to describe what essential oils do, and what can get said or not.…according to the FDA. The FDA has been doing their job scrutinizing companies and what types of claims are being made about the essential oils.
I’ve been reflecting a great deal on how I talk about using essential oils, especially since I gave a webinar recently on 7 Ways to Use Essential Oils with Animals for Health and Well-Being, during which someone asked about what oils to use for ticks.
People ask me all the time about what oil to use for this or that condition.
So I’ve been thinking a lot about the Whole View, how I first got into all this work, what I REALLY want and desire with the work, animal communication, Tellington TTouch, Essential Oils, etc.
It is tempting to say use this oil or that oil, use this TTOuch, use these energy healing techniques to do this or that.
I have gotten caught here a lot myself. In our culture where we look at the symptoms, where we think in terms of that one situation separate from the whole, it is an easy place to sit and look around for a specific oil, TTouch or technique.
There is a larger truth here though, is a much larger perspective for us all.
Years ago, in the first interview I did with a holistic vet, I wrote an article about our conversation looking beyond the symptoms.
I recently edited and reprinted the article. If you missed, it, or want to reread it, you can read it on my blog. Click Here.
Amazingly, I am thankful to the FDA for helping us all to refocus on health and Restoration, and not on disease.
Recently I sent out a Spritzer recipe for using Essential Oils with dogs, cats and horses.
I’ve had more questions asking what this recipe is used for then I’ve ever had about anything I’ve ever written! I purposefully didn’t write that it has been used as a bug deterrent, or whatever…..
….due to the restrictions from the FDA.
Instead, I wrote the recipe was …
…to help you and your animals enjoy the great outdoors more fully! (recipe is below again in case you missed it)
You may have noticed in my more recent webinars and emails that I have not been describing any oils as anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, or for any specific conditions.
Instead, I’ve talked about the ways Young Living oils support the different body systems, like immune health, or spinal health, enhancing muscle tone, etc.
If you are ever have questions about any of the properties of the oils, or what something is used for, instead of emailing me, please use the many excellent resources for you to use. See Life Science Publishers for the best selection.
Summer Recipe, to help you and your animals enjoy the greatoutdoors – with freedom, and be less bugged!
- 1 Gallon Distilled water
- 4 heaping Tbsp. organic dried catnip (order from Mountain Rose Herbs)
- Thieves household cleaner or YL bath gel base,
- 80 drops Purification or RepelAway
- 80 drops lemongrass,
- 40 drops Idaho Tansy,
- 40 drops Palo Santo,
- 40 drops Ocotea or Basil,
- 20 drops peppermint (optional for high temperatures)
- Steep Catnip in the gallon of water for 20-30 minutes
- Cool to room temperature and strain if needed.
- Add all remaining ingredients into the cleaner or gel base
Shake well and pour into a smaller Spritzer Bottle… these typically come in 1, 2 or 4 oz.
Use as needed
Make up a gallon, store in the fridge until ready to use or cut the recipe down to the size you need.
Recipe inspired from Cherie Ross
* Young Living based essential oils and products unless otherwise noted.
If you are curious what any of the ingredients are useful for, please google them.
You’ll get more of these recipes (and SO much more) in the Essential Oils Retreat, we’ll get to make one in the “spritzer’s Fun Lab,” and, also in the Illustrated Companion Guide that you’ll get at the Retreat.
We have only 2 spots left.
I am dealing with a 12 yr. old dog who has stopped eating. In the process of vet appts., he has had blood work, a dental, ultrasound and a thyroid test. His blood work has improved since having the dental and most is now normal. His thyroid was low so have started him on meds. He is still not eating well. Second opinion from vet thinks he has Masticatory Myositis, an auto immune condition which causes muscle inflammation thus making it difficult for him to chew. I have literally tried every food I can think of. Sometimes he will eat some, but most often, he smells it and walks away. I have tried listening to him, but just not educated enough to hear him. Are there any oils that would help him? I am a Young Living distributor but haven’t had alot of experience with them especially with animals. Can you help? Would love to attend your seminars, but I live in SE Kansas.Thank you for any suggestions.
Good morning Sandy, Its been a while . I want to order lavender essential oil an am not sure any more how to do it ..
Great post! I definately use it in Summer, now im looking for some winter and holiday blends, do you have any recommendations ?