To what extent do you…
…Trust Yourself, Trust Your Instincts, Your Intuition, Trust Your Senses…
…Follow Your Dreams?
What do YOU do when you hear an internal calling? Some call it an intuitive sense, or a desire.
I call it the Soul’s yearning for growth. An internal knock on the door, or a sense of being drawn towards something. Or, it might be experienced as a day-dreaming of something you desire.
I’ve had this sense, call, desire for many years about… moving out to California. I’ve dreamed about it, and yearned to move.
And so, after many years of dreaming, yearning, and planning, I have decided to move from Virginia to the Central Coast of California.
Specifically to the San Luis Obispo area
– midway between Los Angeles and San Francisco….
…just south of Big Sur
…about 10 minutes from the ocean, and – in the foothills.
I’m no stranger to making right hand turns in life in order to follow those internal yearnings… and this sure is a BIG one!
And this internal sense has been brewing for many, many years. In fact, moving my business online has been part of the long range plan to help me be able to move – So that I have a more mobile business!
With each trip I’ve taken to California, the call has gotten stronger. With each arrival back home to Virginia over the last years, the sense that this is no longer where I need to be has become stronger.
I love my life here, my friends, my family, my clients, my work here, the Blue Ridge foothills and beauty of Virginia.
However, something in California is calling me, and I choose to answer the call, and take action. It’s time for me to move where I physically live.
I know you will have questions, so here’s the scoop:
- When: We’re planning to move to California this summer, in late July or early August, 2016. We’re working on the very many details and will keep you informed as I go along and things fall into place.
- The Horses, Yes, both Ibis and Zoey, are coming! We’ve been in conversation about this move for quite a few years. They are on board!
- Horse Transport: How will the horses get there? We are hiring a professional who transports horses across the country. We are working on the details. (If you have experience moving horses cross country or know of an excellent transporter, just reply to this email with details.)
- The cats: Yes, both cats, Magic and Cassia are coming! We’ve been in conversation… Cassia is all on board… Magic is coming around… We are continuing the conversations!
- Cat Transport: How? We’re working on those details.
- Do I know people in California? Yes. I know people right in the Central Coast area, and I have friends, colleagues, and family throughout California.
- My business: Yes, I will continue to offer you Transformational Breakthroughs in Your Relationships with Money, Spirit, Self, Your Business, Health for you and your animals, Nurturing Self Care. I will be continuing to work with clients via private 1:1 coaching, and groups.Both in person, online, and of course through Jitter Busters for Pets, Animal Communication, Energy Healing, and Pet Hospice self-study programs.
- Am I seeing clients right now? Yes, I am currently working with clients, booking appointments, and will continue into the summer, and then after I move.
Want a Breakthrough in some area of your life, with my help? Just reply to this email and ask to set up a time to talk and we can get you started.
- What work will I offer after we move? I will continue with Transformational Breakthroughs via private 1:1 coaching, groups in person, online, and of course the self-study groups…. NEW healing retreats, and who knows what else!
- WHAT ElSE is HAPPENING NOW? I have some exciting new groups, webinars, and special packages online – and IN PERSON coming up very soon… Sign Up for Updates to make sure you don’t miss a thing! Just go now to get your free Meditate with Your Animals Audio, and you will automatically also get my updates so you stay fully informed of all the wonderful upcoming offerings.
- A Special Note For those clients who’ve come to me in person over the years:
I love you and appreciate you.
I am honored to have witnessed your growth for so very long.
I have learned and grown so much with you.
I have loved meeting you and all your lovely animals in person.I am moving in order to continue to follow my heart’s desire, to listen to the calling I am hearing to move to California.
I hear the call, and I choose to take action now.I am sorry that this also means saying goodbye to living here, nearby, and seeing you in person in Virginia.
I appreciate our time together.And, I look forward to continuing our connections via phone, Skype, online…
…and of course, through our hearts.And, in addition to 1:1 privates and coaching groups, I will be offering in person retreats and groups in our new home, near the healing waters of the Pacific Ocean and with all that the Central Coast California energies offer.

You are all welcome to visit us for sessions and continued breakthroughs and transformational work once we are in California
Moving Preparations
In preparation for moving the horses 3,000 miles cross country, I took the horses on a short trailer ride to see Dr. Joyce Harman.
Our friend, and the person who trims the horse’s feet, Mike Gaulding, was so kind to trailer us to see Joyce.
We are so fortunate that Joyce lives only 1.5 hrs away. I began consulting with Joyce in 1991 when Ibis and I still lived in Vermont. She’s been a major contributor to his well-being since 1991. Joyce’s amazingness and all she offers:
The horses have 3 holistic vets who take excellent care of the horses
– Dr. Janice Raab who does awesome acupuncture
– Dr. Tabby Moore who keeps their spines fit with chiropractic…
…and both offer so much knowledge along with their loving care and concern. Both Janice and Tabby were here to help pull Ibis out of his sudden and still undiagnosed ‘bump-in-the-road’ illness last fall.
Had it not been for their immediate and excellent care, well, let’s just say, they were a huge, integral part of his being so sparkly right now!
On occasion we travel up to see Joyce, who does Acupuncture, Chiropractic, and is a nutritional and overall wiz. She is the super intuitive, understands what the animals say and need and is truly a Holistic Vet in the fullest sense of the term.
Last week at our visit to her farm, Joyce described Ibis as ‘Sparkling’ and ‘Bionic,’ with his overall condition being excellent, and his coat so soft.

She kept exclaiming on his great condition… as he enters his 34th year next month, and especially after his ‘hiccup’ – bump in the road, sudden illness last fall.
When I lamented to Joyce that I was no longer able to do his nearly daily leg stretches as I had
done for close to 25 yrs along with picking out his feet, she responded that all those years of doing TTouch leg exercises were most likely part of the reason he is still doing so very well even though he is a thoroughbred about to turn 34!
This was a WONDERFUL reflection and reminder for me of the extent of the longstanding power of TTouch. (Joyce has been on the TTouch Board of Veterinarians and is completely familiar with TTouch and it’s many benefits.)
We discussed our all moving out west. And Joyce agreed, Ibis is totally looking forward to the adventure.
I know Ibis has many, many fans in the One Heart Tribe, and for my own heart and for your concerns,
I am excited to let you know that she felt no hesitance in giving him a thumbs up for his traveling cross country!
Joyce even gave me the thumbs up for getting back on board to ride Ibis!!!! It’s been 3-4 years since I retired him from riding, and this was icing on the cake and an exciting and unexpected surprise to hear! (What?!!!!???!!! WOoHoo! I’ll keep you updated!)
Zoey has been taking a bit longer to adjust to the idea of the move. However, now that we have taken a short trip, and all worked out so well, she is coming around and feeling more at ease.
Zoey appreciated that Ibis was traveling right beside her in the trailer, that I was traveling with them, that she knew and trusted Mike, the grass at Joyce’s farm, the attentive care she got from Joyce, and sporting Mike’s Susan B. Komen Cap….

…And then arriving back home for dinner– with Ibis to a farm she knew and loved.… ??
By the way, both horses were both total champs at loading and riding in the trailer. That was not the issue for Zoey, it was really all the emotional aspects of it all.
Though we’ve lived at our current farm for 11 years, Ibis and I have moved 14 times together over our last 29 years together. We are truly veteran travelers together!
This will be the first time Zoey will be moving with us and understandable that she has had more questions and uncertainties about the process.
Ibis is helping her to understand how a move flows with us. And, she got some needed help and support from Patty Summers,our long time friend and animal communicator colleague.
Now that we have the total agreement of all three of the horse’s holistic vets on Ibis’s strength and ability to travel cross country, and a plan for the next few months to more fully prepare them both for the trip and all the changes, I feel confident in moving forward to finding our new home in California.
You can see that this move is truly a team effort! (I’ve also been getting tons of support from many sources! This is a huge move!)
I will be going back out to the San Luis Obispo area soon to line up a place to live for us all.
My engines are revving.
California, get ready, here we come!
Oh, if you know of anyone in the Central Coast area who would be a great personal or business connection for us, please let me know – just email me with an introduction to us both.
And, keep a look out in your inbox for some new exciting stuff once you’ve signed up for updates via Animal Wisdoms at to hear first about my exciting Transformational offerings coming up very soon – for you!
This is the Fortune Cookie message I got during my most recent trip to California where I was scouting out where to live!

Guidance comes in so many forms!
In the photo Zoey looks like it has a black cat “magic” on it’s body! Do yo see it
Ha ha! I never did see that before! Great Eye. Thanks for pointing this out Sharron! I have always seen the hearts on her sides, but not the black magic cat. Love that! Thank you! Sorry I didn’t respond sooner… I was so busy following my longing, dreams and desires to get me to California! Now that I am here, and settling in, I am catching up a bit!