
The first Tele-conference TTouch First Aid Tips for People, Horses, Dogs and Cats was a huge success! Thanks to everyone who registered and called in. Within 12 hours of announcing the Tele-conference, there were over 110 registrants! Requests for the replay have continued to come in and there are currently 150 registrants!
Tellington TTouch Practitioner Donna Poler commented about the conference call:
“I thought you did an excellent job of presenting and answering some questions that were not very easy.
When the woman asked if she should hold the dog’s paw to do TTouch, and you responded so beautifully about it, I thought it would be great for her and others to read TTouch Instructor Edie Jane Eaton’s article on her website, www.listeningtowhispers.com, called “Safety First.” I love sending clients that article to read.
Regarding the woman whose dog does not like ear slides, you gave some great suggestions. What I have come to learn is that often clients are doing the slides with too much pressure and pulling. So I tell my clients to treat the ear as gently as you would the petals on a rose. And I work with them on identifying different TTouch pressures and show them on their own ears.
I think you did an outstanding job of covering ear slides. I’ll be doing them more on myself now and on my mother. Thank you again so much for a wonderful talk. Every time I become engaged in anything involving Tellington TTouch, I just love the work more and more.
Blessings, TTouches and best congratulations on a wonderful teleseminar.”
Donna E. Poler, TellingtonTTouch Practitioner, Reiki Master, Animal Communicator
Writer, dpoler@verizon.net, http://www.DonnaPoler.com
I have not forgotten about the additional posts Adventures at the Oakland Zoo previously promised. They are still coming. And the rest of the story about Roulette, the PMU Filly is also on its way. So please continue to come back for more posts!
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