Tune into The Multidimensional World through an Exciting, Uplifting, and ExpandingÂ
Online Healing Series with Sandy Rakowitz, MultiDimensional Coach.
Why Tune Into the Multidimensional World?
Feeling Stuck
I didn’t know other realms existed. Â And, I didn’t know how to connect.
When I felt this disconnect, I also felt stagnant, dissatisfied, unfulfilled, stuck, or lost, one of the main thoughts that often popped into my mind is this: “Is this all there is to life?”
The question has come at times of despair, when I couldn’t see my way forward, and when I didn’t feel hope. Â There was a sense that there must be something else beyond my current experience. Â But I couldn’t see my way. I didn’t know what else to do, and despaired I was at a dead end with no other place to go.
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Spiritual Quest
Although the question “Is this all there is to life?” was born of despair, this very question has consistently driven me forward in life to seek out more, to stretch beyond where I was standing and to search further then what I had previously known.
This question generated my spiritual quest, and lead me into exploring modalities where I then became a practitioner with Tellington TTouch, Centered Riding, Brennan Hands of Light Energy Healing, Animal Communication, Sacred Money Archetypes, Branding with Marketing, Money and Soul to name a few.
Through my quest to find what more was there to life, I was lead to Ibis, the horse, in 1987. Â For 32 years he has been a Master Teacher. Â He calls himself, “The Connector.” Â Since his passing on 11/11/19, he continues his strong presence with frequent teachings. Â
All the ‘problems’ and ‘issues’ that arose with Ibis were prompts to find my way into a deeper connection with my intuition, guidance, and knowing about balance, harmony and unity within and between Ibis and I. Â But the prompts went way beyond physical health and behavior issues. Â
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Are You Crazy?
I began looking at the larger picture of how behavior, pain, emotions, thoughts and beliefs played a role in what was ‘wrong.’ Â Â
When I brought in herbs, homeopathy, flower essences along with TTouch to support the immune system of my horse during an outbreak of Strangles I was yelled at by a vet and judged harshly. Â I was ahead of the times and thinking in 1991. Â Now these methods and knowledge are commonly sought after and easily purchased.
In the mid 1990’s when I added Energy Healing and Consciousness along with Animal Communication into my mix of how I looked at any issue with an animal or person, I was asked, “Are You CRAZY?” Â
‘Hmm,’ I thought, “Not Crazy. Â I am seeing what IS beyond the normal range of perception, and it is very real.’ Â
With each class and skill learned for working with humans during my four years of training with the Barbara Brennan School of Healing, I immediately applied each and every skill with Ibis, my horse.  He was my ‘research assistant.’ Â
The Tangible Effects
I witnessed the effects with Ibis: When I focused my attention into my Tan Tien or Center of Power, the note that holds us in our physical body, I saw him relax. Â When I opened and cleared my chakras, he softened. Â When I allowed a deeper grounding with my sense of purpose Ibis and I were able to connect more readily and deeply. Â Through these practices we got along with significantly greater ease. Â
Even though I didn’t consciously understand what was my purpose yet, my intention to connect with my purpose propelled me forward and lead me to open to exploring different realms and dimensions. Â
I found direction and purpose, fulfillment, and excitement where there had been despair. Â I found openings where I had been previously in dead ends.
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My awakening into broader understandings began opening. Â My access to seeing Ibis, horses and all animals as energy and conscious beings grew.
I began offering energy healing, animal communication, TTouch, flower essences, and a wide range of tools to tune in with ourselves and our animals.  I the only person offering a vast array of tools integrated together for consults, and teaching these tools.  I was ahead of the times.  Gradually people are seeing the light and the importance of the larger picture.  Animal Communication, Tellington TTouch, and energy healing are more main stream.
In 1995, I asked my guides for my business name, and received One Heart Healing and they said because we are All of One Heart, and it is important for humanity to remember this connection with one another, and with Source. Â Quantum Science has since helped mainstream the notion ‘We are all connected.’
What Else Is Possible?
More recently, the question has shifted into ‘What Else Is Possible?’ and ‘What Is Missing That I Can Bring Forward?’Â
When Ibis the horse died on 11/11/19, he describes this as dropping his physical wrapper. Â We have planted the seeds he said and watch what unfolds now.
This series of Healing Events to Tune into the multidimensional realms is a way to explore what else is possible throughout life while navigating life in our physical ‘wrapper’ and our connections which go beyond the physical realm. Â
The Exploration
We will explore what it is to bring conscious awareness into our connections with our thoughts, beliefs, emotions, actions, and the results as we interact with each other in the physical realms, and reach beyond to see what else is possible as we tune into the multidimensional world. Â
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About Sandy Rakowitz:
Sandy Rakowitz is founder of One Heart Healing Center and is dedicated to sparking divine expression and cultivating a deepening of connection with yourselves, your animals, each other and Source for individual and universal evolutionary expansion and growth. Â
For those who want to go deeper, further, faster click here to contact Sandy to apply for a MultiDimensional Strategy Session.  We will assess and diagnose what is happening, where you want to go, and how I can best assist you.
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